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Services for Students in Need or Crisis
Our comprehensive training solutions feature world-class online curriculum, skills assessments, and real-world components for the best skill-building possibilities.
If you have been suspended or expelled from Hawkeye for conduct or disciplinary reasons, you must schedule an appointment with the dean of students to be considered for readmission to Hawkeye. Each case will be individually discussed with the Vice President of Student Affairs.
If you have been suspended or expelled from a school district or from another college or university for conduct or disciplinary reasons, your application for admission will not be considered until six months after your date of expulsion or suspension.
You must meet with the dean of students to be considered for admission to Hawkeye. Each case will be discussed with the Vice President of Student Affairs.
Norman Coley Student Services Hawkeye Center 208 319-296-4014
Norman Coley Student Services Hawkeye Center 208 319-296-4014 Email Norman Coley