Library Services for Faculty

The library staff encourages you to consider the Hawkeye Library as your library of choice when looking for books and videos, periodicals, and online resources to support curriculum and your own research.

Our online resources are also easily accessed from the Library's home page. When on campus you will access the library’s online resources as soon as you click on the link. From off campus, you will need to log-in with your Hawkeye username and password.

You play a primary role in connecting students with the library, so we encourage you to find out about our collections and services and promote them to your students.

Circulation of Library Materials to Faculty

Your Hawkeye Card is your library card. Please bring it with you to check out books, videos, periodicals and other library materials.

  • Books from the stacks (circulating collection) are checked out for 16 weeks and can be renewed if there are no holds on them. If books are needed longer than one semester, please make arrangements to purchase a copy through your department.

  • Videos are checked out for three weeks and can be renewed. Please be timely in returning videos to the library because other faculty members may need to use them. Videos can be reserved for future use by contacting the library secretary.

  • Magazine and journal issues are checked out for three weeks with renewals if there are no holds on the items.

  • Reference books can be checked out for up to one week.

Recommendations for New Library Materials

Faculty recommendations for new library materials help create a stronger library collection to support student research.

You may submit requests for new books and videos to the library director.

Most faculty recommendations are purchased. You will be contacted as soon as the item is available for use.

Research Assistance

The library staff provides research assistance for both faculty and students. Contact the reference librarian or library director about your research needs.

Reserve Collection

Faculty may put books, videos, and other materials from the library and/or their own collection on reserve at the Circulation Desk. Reserve materials are usually items that faculty require or recommend that their students read/view.

The checkout period is determined by the instructor. Reserve checkout periods include: Two hour (library use only), overnight, three day, one week, and two weeks.

Overdue fines for late reserve materials are $1.00 per day per item unless you request a smaller fine.

Learn more about Course Reserves or contact the reference librarian.

Interlibrary Loan Service

There will be times when you need a book or periodical article that is not available at the Hawkeye library. Interlibrary loan service allows the library staff to tap into most U.S. library collections in order to borrow a book or obtain a photocopy of an article.

Online interlibrary loan requests can be made in EBSCOhost databases, or by using the interlibrary loan request forms.

For additional information, contact the reference librarian or library reference assistant.

Library Instruction

Library instruction is often provided to Composition and Oral Communications classes and emphasizes the library’s online resources. All instructors, however, can request specialized instruction on researching topics, using library online resources or, simply, a library tour.

You are encouraged to bring your classes to the library for group research. Contact the reference librarian for more information.

Periodical Routing / Table of Contents Alerts

The Hawkeye Library subscribes to more than 300 magazines and journals. You can request that each new issue of a periodical be checked out and routed to you via campus mail.

Or if you prefer, we can send you a copy of the table of contents when each issue arrives.

For more information, contact the library technician.

Journal Alerts in EBSCOhost

Your universe of periodicals is much larger than Hawkeye’s print periodical collection. You can create journal alerts for titles from thousands of full-text magazines and journals in many of the EBSCOhost databases. When you have set up a journal alert for a magazine or journal, you will receive an email notification with links to each article when each new issue is added to the database.

For more information or assistance contact the reference librarian or library director.

Library Features in Hawkeye Happenings

The Hawkeye Library highlights its resources and services in Hawkeye Happenings, the college’s weekly staff e-newsletter.

Contact Information


Library building
Ask A Librarian

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

If campus is closed, the Library is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

January 9 – March 14, 2025 *
Monday – Thursday 7:00am – 8:00pm
Friday 7:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 12:00 – 4:00pm
* Change in Regular Hours
Friday, March 7 Closed — Employee Development Day
Spring Break
March 15 – 23, 2025
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday – Sunday Closed
March 24 – May 9, 2025
Monday – Thursday 7:00am – 8:00pm
Friday 7:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 12:00 – 4:00pm
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